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Membership level
Principal Member - Annual Fee
- $1,500.00 (USD)
Bundle (unlimited)
Subscription period: 1 year, on: January 15th
No automatically recurring payments
A distilling organization or brand that produces a distilled spirits product at a facility in North Carolina. The North Carolina distillery must hold a federally granted Distilled Spirits Plant license (DSP). The $1,500 annual membership fee is due on January 15 of each membership year.
Principal Member - Quarterly Fee
- $400.00 (USD)
Bundle (unlimited)
Subscription period: Quarterly, on: January 15th
Automatic renewal (recurring payments)
A distilling organization or brand that produces a distilled spirits product at a facility in North Carolina. The North Carolina distillery must hold a federally granted Distilled Spirits Plant license (DSP). The $500 quarterly membership fee is due on January 15, April 15, July 15, and October 15 of each membership year. Quarterly members will receive renewal reminders and invoices each quarter.
Distillery in Planning
- $500.00 (USD)
Bundle (unlimited)
Subscription period: 1 year, on: January 15th
No automatically recurring payments
A Distillery in Planning is defined as a distilling organization or brand that intends to produce a distilled spirits product at a facility in North Carolina. The North Carolina distillery must hold a federally granted Distilled Spirits Plant license (DSP) or be in the process of establishing a federally granted DSP during the membership year and does not intend to open for business prior to the 4th quarter of the membership year. The $500 annual membership fee is due on January 15 of each membership year.
Associate Member
- $750.00 (USD)
Bundle (unlimited)
Subscription period: 1 year, on: January 15th
No automatically recurring payments
Companies, vendor, or suppliers who own an associated business that can lead to new business and partnership opportunities with the craft distilling industry, or any individual, partnership, corporation, or trade association in an allied industry or endeavor, who share a common interest with the North Carolina craft spirits community. The $750 annual membership fee is due on January 15 of each membership year.
Government Agency Staff
- Free
Subscription period: Unlimited
Staff of federal and state government agencies supporting NC distilleries. Verification of agency affiliation required.
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